Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Internet Marketing Tampa Bay: Do Links on My Site Help?

One of the most common questions we are asked is "do links on my site help improve my Google website placement?" Yes and no. Inbound links are not only helpful, they are in many cases critical for your website to rank highly. Consider an inbound link (that is, a link from another website) like a "vote" for your site. The more votes you have -- from relevant websites -- the higher Google thinks of your website.

On the other hand, outbound links generally do not help your website positioning. Outbound links are simply your "vote" for another website, but not your own.

That doesn't mean do not provide outbound links on your website. Do use them if the links you provide ADD REAL VALUE for a visitor on your website. If they don't, there is no reason to include that link. Like everything with Google: it's all about content. Links are about content that's not on your site, but found on another website.

Check out more on Internet Marketing in Tampa Bay.